Graduating Fast

I got asked recently by a Stanford frosh about how to graduate early from college. My response: don't do it. If I could've stayed in…


 ⋅ Jun 17, 2023 ⋅ 2 min read

MTL presiding over our graduation.
MTL presiding over our graduation.

I got asked recently by a Stanford frosh about how to graduate early from college.

My response: don't do it. If I could've stayed in undergrad for eight years, I might've.

But there's a common syndrome amongst Stanford undergrads (and surely, at those of other institutions as well): we don't know how to stop. We're so used to being academic overachievers in high school - whether that be through coursework, research, or independent pursuits - that the first thing we ask is; how can I go beyond what is normal. We frosh get told that people start with CS106A, so we start with 106X. We frosh get told that people join 2 clubs, so we join 8. And somehow, we frosh get told that people graduate in four years, so we're ready to graduate in three.

I understand that mindset; in fact, if freshman me read this post, he would've brushed it aside. But here's the truth about college: it's this wonderful, magical, place to grow, that you'll rarely find out there in the world. You live down the hall from hundreds of your closest friends; you have events flooding into your inbox; you have the obligation to learn something new every day. You can get to know people incredibly well, incredibly quickly.

It's not something that should be rushed; it should be savored. So, with those caveats, here's what young Daniel would've wanted to know:

I attended Stanford from 2018-2020, and Spring 2022, after which, I conferred my Bachelor's in CS (AI track) and a math minor. I graduated in, by my reckoning, 2.5 years. Here's what I did:


Transfer in credits, take lots of classes, and take courses that count.

What do you actually need to get done?

To graduate, you need to fulfill an overall unit requirement, the general education requirements, and the major requirements.

At Stanford, my overall unit requirement was 225 units. A single class ranges from 3-8 units, depending on how intensive the course is. Students are capped at 22 units per quarter, so 66 units in an academic year. Stanford allows you to transfer in up to 45 units, for previously completed AP or dual enrollment courses.

Our general education requirements are pretty flexible: many classes are certified to fulfill WAYS requirements, and you just have to make sure your classes check off all the boxes by the time you graduate. If you're a humanities major, you might need to take some electives to satisfy the hard sciences WAYS, and vice versa.

For my degree, I had to do the engineering/CS core, the CS track requriements, and 8 math electives for the math minor.

Transfer credits:

I took classes at my local university, UCF, while in high school. These were pretty scattered, and relatively few of them transferred in as something useful. However, they Here's the classes I took, and what they transferred in as.

SemesterUCF CourseCourse NameEquivalency
2016 FallCHM 2210Organic Chemistry I CHEM 35
2016 FallPHI 2101Formal Logic IPHIL 151
2017 SpringMAC 2313Calc W Analytical Geometry IIIMATH 51
2017 SpringMHF 3301Logic and Proof in MathematicsMath Elective
2017 SpringPHI 2108Critical Thinking
2017 SummerHSC 4652Health Law and Ethics
2017 SummerWST 3015Intro to Women's Studies
2017 FallCHM 2211Organic Chemistry IICHEM 141
2017 FallMAA 4226Advanced Calculus I Math Elective
2017 FallMAS 3105Matrix and Linear AlgebraMATH 52
2018 SpringMAP 2302Ordinary Differential Equations I MATH 53
2018 SpringPHI 3131Formal Logic IIPHIL 151
2018 SpringZOO 3744Neurobiology

AP Transfer Credits

Similarly, here's my relevant high school AP classes, and what they transferred in as.

AP CourseEquivalencyGraduation Requirement
AP Calculus BCMath 19, 20, 21CS Core
AP Physics CPhysics 41, 43CS Core
AP ChemistryCHEM 33CS Core
AP LatinClassics 1L, 2L, 3LLanguage Requirement

My Schedule

And finally, here's the actual classes I took at Stanford!

SemesterCourseCourse NameGraduation Requirement
2018 FallCHEM 35Organic Chemistry II
2018 FallCS 106BProgramming AbstractionsCS Core
2018 FallEE 14NThings About StuffWAYS: SMA
2018 FallESF 8Recognizing the SelfWAYS: ER
2018 WinterBIO 124Topics in Cancer Biology
2018 WinterCOMPLIT 100Capitals: How Cities Shape CulturesWAYS: AII
2018 WinterCS 107EComputer SystemsCS Core
2018 WinterCS 193A Android Programming
2018 WinterCS 421Designing AI for Wellbeing
2018 WinterENGR 117Expanding Engineering LimitsCS Core
2018 WinterMATH 152Elementary Number TheoryMath Elective
2019 SpringCS 103Mathematical Foundations of ComputingCS Core
2019 SpringCS 109Introduction to ProbabilityCS Core
2019 SpringCS 231NConvolutional Neural NetworksCS Elective
2019 SpringDANCE 46Social Dance IWAYS: CE
2019 SpringMATH 113Linear Algebra and Matrix TheoryMath Elective
2019 SpringMED 199Undergraduate Research
2019 FallCS 110Principles of Computer SystemsCS Core
2019 FallCS 221AI: Principles and TechniquesCS Elective
2019 FallCS 236Deep Generative ModelsCS Elective
2019 FallDANCE 147Social Dance IIWAYS: CE
2019 FallENGR 40MIntro to EECS Core
2019 FallPHIL 133SHeidegger and MysticismWAYS: AII
2019 WinterCS 161Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCS Core
2019 WinterCS 199Undergraduate Research
2019 WinterCS 224NNatural Language ProcessingCS Elective
2019 WinterEMED 227Healthcare LeadershipWAYS: SI
2020 SpringCS 229Machine LearningCS Elective
2020 SpringMATH 120Groups and RingsMath Elective
2020 SpringMATH 146Analysis on ManifoldsMath Elective
2020 SpringMATH 159Discrete Probabilistic MethodsMath Elective
2020 SpringMATH 171Fundamental Concepts of AnalysisMath Elective
2020 SpringMATH 228Stochastic MethodsMath Elective
2020 SpringPWR 2STAEthics and AI
2021 WinterCS 191WWriting Intensive Senior ProjectCS Elective
2022 SpringCS 142Web Applications
2022 SpringECON 249Topics in Health Economics
2022 SpringHISTORY 224FInnovations in Inclusive DesignWAYS: SI

Hope that's helpful! Also, I'm happy to chat with any current or incoming Stanford students; just shoot me an email!


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